Advanced Analytics
Price Optimization
Are the prices, premiums, and discounts you set for your products and services optimized to generate maximum profit for your business?
Cost Minimization
Is your organization a lean mean machine? Are you wringing-out the maximum efficiency from all your resources and assets?
Predictive Analytics
Do your predictive models deliver accurate macroeconomic outlooks, precision industry trends, and actionable company KPI forecasts?
Demand Forecasting
Do you know the precise level of demand for all your products and services, now and in the future, so you can budget and plan ahead?
Is your company maximizing the effectiveness and efficiencies of assets, operations, human resources, sales, distribution, supply, and technology?
Performance Analytics
Are your BI dashboards accurately and quickly measuring your organization’s performance . . . and deciphering which market drivers you should track?
Sales & Marketing Analytics
Are your sales and marketing functions driven by big data, advanced social media analytics, and customer analytics in order to maximize sales revenue?
Risk Analytics
Are you deploying advanced analytics to identify and minimize your unsystematic risk as well as optimize your risk management activities?
Geospatial Analytics
Can you visualize your business at the global, national, state, county, city, MSA, ZIP, and custom polygon levels? And decipher which CMAs to target?
Product Segmentation
Do you know which products, services, features, amenities, and value dimensions your current and future customers will buy and why?
Govt. Planning /
Econ. Dev.
For government decision makers at the state, county, or city level, are you deploying advanced analytics in order to significantly enhance quality of life?
Employee Analytics
Do you get the best from your team? Who are your top performers? How can you recruit, empower, and motivate other employees to excel?
Strategic Services
Quick Proof of Concept
Do you have challenging strategic initiatives and complex analytical projects? We conduct lightning fast QPOCs to help you realize next steps.
BI & Analytics Concierge
Do you have a go-to resource that will accurately answer your data-driven questions within minutes or hours instead of days, weeks, or months?
Competitive Intelligence
How well do you know your primary, secondary, and analogue competitors? Do you acquire vital competitive data to gain competitive advantages?
Consumer Intelligence
Do you effectively gather and analyze buyer behaviors in order to build deeper customer relationships and maximize customer lifetime value?
Full Service BI Solutions
Do you have all the vital business intelligence tools to transform your data into actionable intelligence so you can make better and faster decisions?
Data Prep & Cleansing
Raw data is dirty, error-prone, and misleading. Are you perpetually cleaning, wrangling, blending, parsing, interpolating, and extrapolating data?
Strategic Planning
Do you need to develop a data driven strategic business plan that evolves your company’s vision and also drives your day-to-day operations?
Training & User Groups
Does your company want self-serve analytics? We are the “Center for Analytics & BI Excellence” and will help your firm gain analytical self sufficiency.
IT Services
Is your “info technology” empowering C-Suite with actionable, easy-to-read dashboards and delivering effective software tools for your power users?
Web Data Extraction
Valuable data resides on the open web. Are you perpetually extracting and analyzing vital competitive data to drive better and faster decisions?
Do you need an expert speaker on economic trends, industry outlooks, BI, big data, analytics, consumer trends, innovation, or competitive strategy?
Dashboarding & Reporting
All orgs have vital data that is not used in decision making. Are your reports, dashboards and auto-alerts timely, accurate, interactive, and actionable?