BI & Analytics Concierge
Your go-to resource for answering data-driven questions
What is a BI & Analytics Concierge?
Competitive Analytics developed the concept of a BI & Analytics Concierge to explain our always on-call, can-do service of providing business intelligence and analytics to our clients. Similar to a hotel concierge, we fulfill any and all requests a client may have related to their data and analytics initiatives. Our “concierge duties” include anything and everything within the business intelligence process, including initial inquiry, internal data discovery, external data mining, contextual data crunching, actionable analytics, customized visualizations, interactive mobile BI, strategic advisory, and optimized decision making.
Why do I need a BI & Analytics Concierge?
Often times, executives are faced with the inconvenience of waiting for an IT department or a team of analysts to compile the necessary information to complete a BI or analytics task. With a data concierge, there is an always on-call, go-to resource that will accurately answer your data-driven questions within minutes or hours instead of days, weeks, or months. The process of discovering answers to your BI related questions instantly becomes more efficient with a BI & Analytics Concierge.
Why choose Competitive Analytics to be my BI & Analytics Concierge?
Competitive Analytics has been delivering expert analysis and proven results for it’s clients for over 15 years. By employing Competitive Analytics as your dedicated BI & Analytics Concierge, your organization can feel confident that all analytics related tasks and initiatives will be achieved with the upmost attention to detail and precision accuracy. Competitive Analytics’ unparalleled enthusiasm for customer service push us to meet then exceed your expectations and maximize ROI on a task, project, or strategic initiative. With Competitive Analytics on your BI team, your organization can most efficiently and effectively transform data, optimize decisions, and maximize profits.