Presentation Excerpts

Innovative • Energetic • Insightful

Custom and contextual presentations about analytics, business intelligence, economics, forecasts, consumer behavior, and much more

The following video clips are short excerpts from David Savlowitz’s unique keynote presentations. They cover a vast array of topics related to business intelligence, advanced analytics, economic performance, and more, with customized content for each audience, including unique data analysis and interactive Q&A.

If you are interested in David speaking at your events, please email us at or call 714-545-2555 for more information.

How to Build Scenario-Based Revenue + Expense Forecasts

U.S. Job Growth

9 Phase Cycle


Baseball Metaphors for BI

Rasmussen Reports


U.S. Economy via TPSI

Unique Demand Curves


Predictive Analytics and Time Series


Full Length Keynote Presentation Archive

The Motorcycle Industry Council's Inroads to the Future: Sixteenth Annual Communications Symposium, Part I

The Motorcycle Industry Council's Inroads to the Future: Sixteenth Annual Communications Symposium, Part II