Operations and Administration

Operations departments are a key cog in the day to day functions of any business. To ensure that systems and departments are functioning in unity, operations can utilize big data to determine if current practices are working, if information is outdated, or if things should be communicated differently. Competitive Analytics derives the insights necessary to keep an optimally running operations department.

Analytics in Operations and Administration


Payroll Management System

  • Generate more revenue per employee by comparing overall payroll metrics, and evaluating how and where company resources are spent.

  • Organize and manage payroll insight to identify need for targeted training, incentive differences, and improvement strategies.


Resource Allocation

  • Determine the most efficient way to utilize company resources across varying departments and objective needs.

  • Use data-driven information to understand long-term allocation trends, and where resources would best be distributed for optimal impact.


Freelance Workers

  • Compare comprehensive lists of outside contractors or freelance workers to see who has the most utility and contribute best in your work environment.

  • Identify the most needed and desirable skills for the role you are looking to fill, and analyze worker data to ensure that the right person is chosen.


Establishing and Measuring KPIs

  • Focus on key indicators that lead to smooth business operations, and craft and implement strategies accordingly.

  • Clearly determine how measured KPIs are performing, and how significant each is to the business operations.


Department Evaluations

  • Easily examine efficiency within and between departments to see if they are working together well or if they should be changed to better adapt to the current company needs.